Friday, March 9, 2007

And they're off...

As I walked into the house tonight after visiting the pet store, new fish in bucket ready to be plopped down into the tank, the many things raced through my brain that I had to do before I could give our new Texas Chichlid (Loving called Fishstex and pronounced Fishsticks, Tex for short) a home. Change the filter, run the water, clean the gravel, pick the powerhead, position the tube, fluff the plants, reposition the plants, no no they looked better where they were, replace the rocks

Starting gates open, dust cloud emerges and they're off! Little Miss Horsepower rounds Corner One as Super Poo closes in, Bubba Joe in third keeping the rear…

Ok so maybe its not that exciting but that's how I feel when the mood hits me to do "Something". Motivated I'm not but I'll be damned I could just sit idlely by and be overtaken by the day to day trappings that has piled up in my abode.

"Bubba grab your bag and take it to your room, Poo pick that up"

"Pick what up, momma?"

"That thing you just put down, Bubba did you put…oh here take this with you…"

All the while I'm running water, take the dogs out, start a load of clothes, open the curtains, turn the fan off, empty the dryer, load the dryer, load the washer, scoot "toy" I told Poo to just pick up a minute ago "POOO!!!" fill the dog's dinner dish, reach for the fabric softener that just fell, fold a load, make the bed, lays down for 2 secs...

"Why in the hell am I making the bed if I'm just going to get in it in a few hours?"

Super Poo makes a break for the lead as he steals wind from Little Miss Horsepower, Bubba Joe coming up hard on the right flank on corner Two…

Hop up, load the dishwasher, scrub the skillet, "Good Night! Look at those spots on that mirror!"

Spray the Windex, grab the Pledge, dust the Murano, dry the dishes, scour the stove, and swipe the microwave, tie the trash bag, replace said bag "Bubba! Trash time!" grab the broom, sweep the floor, grab the mop, break out the Swiffer, change the light bulb…

"HOLY FREAKSHOW!! That's a HUGE spider!!"

Grabs the broom, spider makes a run for it, scream! fight for my life, protect my children, dance on the table merely because I think the damn spider is on my person, Spider is dead, change my underwear…

Corner Three takes a turn for the underdog, Super Poo passes Little Miss Horsepower, but it's Bubba Joe that grabs the lead…

Pay the water bill, pick up the towels, change the tp, clean the tub, refill the shampoo, spray the toilet, visit tidy bowl man, empty the washer again, reload the dryer, fold yet another load of laundry, grab the vacuum, unknot the cord, fluff the pillows, close the curtains, lock the door, turn off the front porch light, kick shoes out of the way, water the plants, kick "Toy" out of the way…

"Bubba grab your bag and take it to your room, Poo pick that up"

"Pick what up, momma?"

"That thing you just put down, Bubba did you put…oh here take this with you…"

Déjà vu`

Hang the coats, grab a Coke "pisshhhhhhh", guzzle down, grab another, winding down, pop popcorn, turn the TV on, pick a movie, change to pajamas, call the kids in while racing to get to the desk before they do...

It's the home stretch now, Little Miss Horsepower speeds back up as Bubba Joe and Super Poo are neck and neck in the lead… Who will take home the Trophy? Best prize of all prizes, and its….its….its …..

OMG! Little Miss Horsepower turns on the gas as she passes the rookies! It's over, folks! She's done it again! Crowd goes wild…

"Oh Crap!" I forgot all about the 8'' fish flopping away in a bucket 10 times too small.

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