Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What are you thankful for?

I dare ask anyone. Do we as a whole even know what Thankful means. Many of us can look around at the expensive things we use every day like the TVs, cell phones, computers, game consoles and that shiny car out in the driveway and be thankful we're keeping up with the Jones's not even realizing how much we take for granted. It's not about the substance, it's about the feeling in the soul that says I'm grateful for the things that money can't buy. I can tell you right now that I am very thankful for a lot of things.

I'm thankful for the love of my family and friends, the strength that they give me when I feel I can not even lift my head. Grateful for the unconditional Love that they freely give to me especially when the world is so hateful. I'm grateful for my two children who make me smile when I can barely find it within myself to cope. Even thankful to the man who gave them to me even though he saw fit to tear my heart out. I am grateful for the many advances in modern technology that has kept me here on this earth that without, there would be no Super Ozzie. To be perfectly honest, I'm just grateful to be alive.

I'm thankful for the warm shoulders and understanding hugs, friendships that sprouted from nothing and I'm very thankful that I have the freedom to even pen this message when so many die for merely their beliefs.I say once again as you engorge yourself in tradition of turkey and stuffing, cranberry sauce and naps by the tv while football plays in the background, what are you thankful for?

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