Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Direction Hidden

Direction hidden, you gaze upon a puffy white orb, a Dandelion, a weed infinitely more beautiful than its grassy fellows, endless, and identical to
You feel akin to this fluffy oddball. You are drawn almost childlike as you grasp the delicate stem
Bringing it near to your lips, you make a wish, a prayer. A wish for peace, in the world, and in your heart. You wish not for just any love but true love. You wish for direction, and hope. You blow with all your breath, wish with all your being, and
disperse millions of miniature white parachutes of your aspirations and desires, even a fear hidden deep within your mind. You, too…
A million different directions you will go, explore and learn. You are the Hopes, dreams, the prayers and wishes of a world and of a generation, peers and family.
You are carried by a passing breeze, soft and gentle. Then…
Blown away
Grabbed by a far more violent gust, forced to
You change directions in an exhale, a gasp and a sigh. You have traveled far and you have far yet to travel. No one knows just how far, but you are NOT lost, just searching for a purpose, a reason, an answer, a place to land, safely.

To take root

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