Monday, April 14, 2008

Holy Viagra, Batman!

Ok I find this rather amusing. Open up Yahoo! to get to my favorite addiction, Myspace, and low and behold what do I see as a point of interest?

The 6 things your man fears the most. Shall we ladies?

That He's Going to Lose His Hair
That He’s going broke
That He’ll have one cheeseburger too many
That He’ll be called out in public
That his kid won’t make the free throw
That he’ll fail to perform at the clutch

Ok so all together now, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA (breathe Toni…) HA HA HA HA HA

Is it just me or does 1-6 basically have to do with a man’s libido? Stroke it and your man will show no fear. Forget to stroke it and he shrivels up. Doh! Another pun, I’m beside myself with hilarity… HA HA HA HA

He’s going to go bald, OMFG! Stop stalking Dr. Bosley and the rest of his infomercial junkies and deal with the fact that you’re follicly challenged. You are not going to be a 20 something forever and quite frankly, bald and um…shaven is quite sexy.

He’s going to go broke, dude…come on. Why does a man’s emotional stability have to directly correlate to his checking account balance? And why does a man withdraw when he’s over drawn? Guess you should read #6 LMAO Awe it looks all shlumpy…

OMG you ate one cheeseburger too many!!??!! Excuse me, but does this brown bag make me look fat? Was that one of the perks working for McD’s besides getting away with wearing the waistline of your damn pants down by your ankles and sweatshirt 5 times too damn big so your spare tired didn’t show? Grow some tits and a uterus and then bitch to me about metabolitic meltdown and that one cheeseburger too many…

This one kills me. The fact that any man, no matter how secure he is in his masculinity, is afraid that some one and I’m sure it’s a woman, is going to air his dirty laundry in public makes me all giddy and warm inside. Can I be the first to do it??!! *raises hand* Cus I got shit loads of laundry I’ve been waiting to air for a looooong ass time. Just remember, no matter if one oblivious woman thinks you’re just the sweetest thing this side of apple pie, inevitably some where, another woman is sick of your shit! You should be afraid, very afraid…

My honor roll kid beat up your kid for being a stupid and I just laughed my ass off. One of these days, men will realize that it’s the child that matters not the size of how big of a dick they can be to prove WHAT??!! (you prolly sucked at that sport too…)

Robin: Holy Mega size Viagra, Batman! Amidst all this social and economical diversity that man can’t rise to the occasion! …..I’m afraid, hold me!
Batman: Listen, Boy Wonder, we’ve gone from follicly challenged to erectile dysfunction, and we’ve made it through without falling apart. Get a hold of yourself, man!
Robin: I am trying, but... I…I fear the worst. What could possibly be the culprit, Batman?
Batman: I don’t know, Robin…. Here, stroke my Batrope some more and maybe it’ll come to me


Ok ok I’ll stop making fun you men now….. NOT!!

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