Saturday, September 1, 2007

Bangs head on desk...

Have you ever wondered why you do stupid things for no reason? It was a redundant question, dumb ass...

Take for instance…whyyyyyyy did I give so and so my email addy? Now I have 386 spam messages smashed into my inbox on an hourly basis… Act NOW and receive 1 yes 1! Million dollars by the end of the business day on the 5th Sunday every Month!!

Why did I do I bother getting dressed this morning? It's not like anyone important is going to see me but my children and pfft, they've seen me at my worst already. *scratches ass*

Any known reason why I decided to hold onto the metal part of the vacuum plug as I placed it with in the appropriate slot? ZZZZSST *twitch*

What happened to my common sense when I threw caution to the wind and walked to the mailbox without my over the shoulder boulder holder on? She's just a swingin'…

Do you think it normal that I watched an ant roam around in circles for about a half hour after I torched his antenna and thought it as interesting as the Daytona 500? They're makin' a left turn! OMG OMG OMG They're makin' another left turn!!!

Seriously considered finding out if a hamster could float…*girgle girgle blurb blub…unresponsive…floats*

When did it become customary and fashionable to wear Qutips in one's nose? *snort* Look ma! I'm a walrus!!

Is it entirely on purpose that hotdog buns only come in packages of 8? *Hey honey! Does this mean the two licked by the dog aren't edible?

Ever notice that you get your face bit off if you blow in a dog's face but take the mutt for a flippin' ride and she's got half her damn body hanging out the car window? Don't you dare scratch my car…don't slobber omg you just flinged snot on me!! *smells strangely of Oscar Meyer…*

Considering the fuel consumption vs price of said fuel, why did I flip off an SUV driver today as I flew by him wasting half my tank of gas? You son of a motherless cow, next time you wash your windshield and I'm behind you, Ima slit your tires!!

Who said Larry the Cable Guy could act? *click click PULL!* Yes I'm that close not watching it for the 10th time today…

And just why did I answer the cell when I was sitting on the throne? Who were you wanting? Oh yes, this is she. What can I do for you? *bowl rattling fart* Sure, I'll hold…

Me thinks that today needs to come to an end, my head hurts, I've wanted to go to bed since I got up today and the reason why I haven't thrown my ass back in there still eludes me considering my children were in bed 3 hours ago… Yes, I think this tops the whole shebang of stupid things I've done today so I'm going to bed. Good night, Gracie *falls asleep at the keyboard…* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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