Monday, September 1, 2008

A Poem of Blogetory Concern

Yes it's practically crystal and perfectly clear
I've not written as much as I did last year
Yet to be honest this year has gone by so fast

Since the boys keep me so busy
And Vertigo keeps me quite dizzy
I've taken my time not to fall on my fool ass

Landmines a plenty
And weed bins to empty
OMFG! The flippin' grass is about hoot high

So off I go
To find a lawnmower to mow
On the days from the chil'ns I do hide

This here first then that needs to be done
And odds are a staggering million to one
I can't help but be busy and/or otherwise detained

Not to mention the fact
I feel so out of whack
Even though the medications keep me rather restrained

Now I could lie about that
Or why I ran over the cat
But honest my excuses are intentionally vague

I've got therapy at 2
And dishes to do
Then avoid reality like the plague

Now I've not forgotten
How people can be so rotten
So it's not like I'm missing too damn much

I've kept myself occupied,
Brain dead and freeze dried
So I'm sure you're incorrect on your hunch.

With too much time on this hand
or was that the other hand
OMG I think I'm going stir crazy...

But one day I'll get back to being Toni
Super Ozzie, the one and only
Yes, to be honest, I'm just a little... lazy

Take care, Good Night

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